Pogradec, Albanija, 10-18 March, 2016, 4 participants + 1 leader

This project aims to assist civil society organizations (CSOs) in addressing human rights issues through education and creative tools. The project promotes human rights education (HRE) and increase competences of youth workers/leaders to work in practice using multimedia skills with young people from marginalized target groups.

Objectives of the project (3 projects together):
-To develop competencies of youth workers/ leaders working with marginalized groups in key concepts of human rights education with young people

– To promote Compass manual and to familiarize the participants with its approaches and activities in order to use it and adapt in local realities

– To review and address essential knowledge, skills and attitudes for youth workers/activists working with disadvantaged target groups to offer to them practical tools how to work within HRE

-To promote Inno Lab techniques, multimedia and non formal education among youth leader who are working with human right education for young people

-To use multimedia tools to promote human rights education for young people

-To develop future partnership among youth workers/leaders in activity in order to set bridges of cooperation among experienced youth workers working in HRE

-To promote Erasmus +(Youth) program as a tool for promoting young people rights and peer to peer education

Application form: app ye pogradec


Prijaviti se mogu svi članovi Udruženja ”Mladi Volonteri”, te prijavu poslati na email adresu volonteriyia@gmail.com, do 28.02.2016. Plaćeni troškovi prevoza, smještaja i hrane. Za sva dodatna pitanja, možete nam pisati na navedenu email adresu.