TC ”Theatre for Young Europeans” 23-31 January, Tirana, Albania -3 ucesnika

The training course “Theatre for Young Europeans“ is dedicated to the use of theatre methods in fostering European citizenship and inclusion with young people in Europe.

The objective of the project is to equip youth workers from EU and SEE countries with the basic theatre techniques and will focus on the theme of its applicability in working with people with various different abilities and/or fewer opportunities. In order to achieve such a goal, the training will end up in a public presentation, actively involving the local community (people with disabilities included) both in producing and experiencing the artistic outcome. We believe that this project will bring young people from various parts of Europe together to empower them as Young Europeans.

Aplikacioni obrazac:

Application form

Na seminare se mogu prijaviti svi clanovi udruzenja “Mladi Volonteri”. Poziv je otvoren do 20. 12. 2013.  

Popunjenu aplikacionu formu poslati na mail:  volonteriyia@gmail.com

Za ove seminare vaze pravila Youth in Action programa, smjestaj i hrana su placeni 100%, uz prilozene originalne karte, organizator isplacuje 70% ukupnih putnih troskova !