Javni poziv za 5 učesnika/ca iz BiH za Training of Trainers, u sklopu projekta YEeS (Youth Entrepreneurship Education and Skills) 16-22 Februar 2024. Loznica, Srbija

Javni poziv za 5 učesnika/ca iz BiH za Training of Trainers, u sklopu projekta YEeS (Youth Entrepreneurship Education and Skills) 16-22 Februar 2024. Loznica, Srbija

YEeS / Youth Entrepreneurship Education and Skills is a capacity-building project that aims to involve 5 youth organizations from the Western Balkans and EU. This project aims to Promote Entrepreneurship as a competence through non-formal education to young people. It increases awareness of the EntreComp Framework and strengthens the capacities of young people and youth workers to create an environment for innovation, employability, and entrepreneurial thinking. The goal is to expand employment opportunities, self-development, and…
