Urgentni poziv za jednog EVS volontera u Poljskoj

Poziv za jednog EVS volontera na projektu u Varšavi – Poljska.

Projekat pocinje 15.Oktobar 2016 i traje 10 mjeseci do 14 Augusta 2017. Predviđene aktivnosti za potencionalne volontere su da rade u obdanistu sa jos 2 EVS volontera iz Spanije i Grcke, a detaljnije aktivnosti su objasnjene kako slijedi:

Participants’ roles in the Kindergarten No 213 will be: to help the disabled children
and/or children with autism in their everyday activities as well as to propose new type
of activities for them. All kind of activities that could enrich and make their day in the
kindergarten more interesting will be welcome and volunteers shall get all possible
support to their execution.
Participants’ tasks are going to be as following:
Together with the trained staff participants will help the children in everyday
activities (e.g. dressing up and changing clothes, meals, toilet).
Participants will help organize and prepare regular activities for the children (e.g.
artwork, musical activities, culinary workshops, physiotherapy and physical
recreation, theatre activities, favourite pastime, celebrations).
Participants will be somewhat participating in the process of integrating pupils with
the local community by involving them in local events, organizing excursions,
visiting theatres, cinemas, swimming pools, parks, etc. so the children are visible and
people know they are active and do something for the community. The final aim of
such activities would be an important increase in people’s awareness, that they might
meet disabled people in their direct neighbourhood, young people which are a part of
the same community and are equally important members of society.
Participants will prepare specific exercises for the whole group once a week and
contribute new ideas to enrich the range of proposed activities;
Participants could also help to take care about the children during weekly camps
held by the seaside or in the mountains. Additionally, participants will be involved in some activities of Schuman volunteers
(all volunteers hosted, sent or coordinated by the Polish Robert Schuman
Participants will participate in monthly meetings of all Schuman volunteers in
All participants have a chance to visit European Clubs in Poland and promote
EVS, volunteering in general, or bring their country closer to students. Some
participants can also prepare workshops on topics they feel strongly about, e.g.
human rights. Participants visit schools in pairs or on their own. Participants will
be invited to visit at least one school during their mobility period. Should they
want to visit more, they will be able to do so in agreement with RO;
c) Participants will take part in the Schuman Parade and Schuman Village on 6
May 2017, events organizes by the Polish Robert Schuman Foundation to
celebrate Europe Day and express support for the idea of Europe and its values.
The volunteers take part in the parade and help in preparing the Schuman
Village – all receiving organizations present themselves in Schuman Village and
volunteers are active from conceptual preparations onwards.
Participants together with flatmate volunteers will prepare at least one activity
integrating their local community in the neighbourhood of the flat where they will
live. Coordinating organisation will support them in this endeavour.
The Kindergarten is opened from Monday to Friday so weekends will be days free of work for
the participants. Each participant will work in a different group and after some time volunteers
will change groups. They will either work in the group for autistic children or in the integrative
kindergarten group for children.

Svi zainteresovani nek posalju CV i motivaciono pismo na mail volonteriyia@gmail.com