Poziv za EVS- volontiranje u Poljskoj u trajanju od 5 mjeseci!

Nova prilika – volontiranje u Poljskoj!

“To Be Like a Librarian” – Action 2 – European Voluntary Service, Youth in Action Programme

Dates: 15th September 2013 – 14stFebruary 2014, pre-departure training in the partner countries August- September 2013

Project description: The Instytut Dziedzictwa Kruszwicy during the project “To be like a librarian”, will host 4 volunteers for a period of 5 months. In the frames of the project they will be engaged in the office work. The tasks of the volunteers will be to prepare application forms, supervise currently developing events. The volunteers will support the workers of the library in their daily activities, such as servicing the comers, and they will also lead the meetings with youngsters, support the promotion of the library, getting the international contacts, teach the English language, as well as Polish.

Participants: young people in the age 18-30:
– 4 participants from Italy, Spain, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Ukraine.

Participants are going to be accommodated together in a rented house in a city Bydgoszcz (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bydgoszcz). The office is located in the house, where they will be accommodated. They will be traveling once a week to Kruszwica to work for the local society.

Na seminar se mogu prijaviti svi clanovi udruzenja “Mladi Volonteri”. Za prijavu je potrebno poslati CV i motivaciono pismo na engleskom jeziku na mail: volonteriyia@gmail.com. Poziv ostaje otvoren do 28. 08. 2013. god.

Za EVS vaze pravila YiA programa, smjestaj i hrana su placeni, 90% putnih troskova je placeno, organizacija Vam daje i mjesecni deparac (koji nece biti veliki oko 100€ mjesecno)