Udruženje “Mladi Volonteri” iz Visokog je partner na projektu u Sloveniji, s obzirom da je odobren projekat EVS, ovim putem objavljujemo javni poziv za prijavu volontera i prenosimo ga u potpunosti.

Sloveniji, Metlika,EVS period volontiranja od 10.08.2015. do 09.08.2016. godine.

Project details:

Kud Plac in action is an individual project that will mostly take place in the Youth Centre of our organization during winter months with various activities outside in summer, autumn and spring such as visiting small enterpreneurs and farmers and helping with organising festivals and other events.

Youth Centre is located in the town centre near the three oldest squares. During summer break (1.5.2015-1.10.2015) the office of the Youth Centre will mostly operate at the Youth Centre’s summer camp location by the Kolpa River.

Tasks of volunteer:

Volunteer will participate in the following activities: assistance to visitors of Youth centre, administrative work, research and presentation of various voluntary services, creating a database of small local enterpreneurs craftsmen, artists and farmers, research on sustainable practises, distribution of promotional materials, promotion of events on web, assistance, preparation and implementation of workshops, participation in trainings of non-formal education, assistance in organising music and cultural events as part of our outdoor festivals, meetings with mentors, attending board meetings.

Volunteer’s activities will be based on active participation on the project, learning by doing, individual and team work.

Working hours and days off: 8 hours per day, 5 days per week, two consecutive days off per week and 2 days holiday per month for the duration of the project.

Food and Accommodation: volunteer will live in a rented apartment, in a single bedroom with shared kitchen, bathroom, laundry room, living room and an open terrace. Food allowance is 150 € per month.

Volunteer Allowance: The volunteer will receive a monthly allowance (pocket money) in the amount of 85 € that will be transferred to his bank account no later than on the 10th of each month.

Learning Outcomes:

Expected learning outcomes are competences in organising and implementing projects, competences in ogranising and leading various workshops, use of foreign language, developing skills for using video and editing tools and other.

Interpersonal and social competences

Adaptability and coping with new challenges, team-working with colleagues, sharing responsibility for living together in a multi-national team of volunteers.

Cultural expression

Developing cultural awareness of each other’s needs in a multi-cultural setting.

Communication in mother tongue and in foreign languages

Communicating, socialising and negotiating in a foreign language (English). Volunteer will also have a course in Slovenian language.


We looking forward to receive your CV and Motivation letter.

*Prijaviti se mogu samo članovi udruženja “”Mladi Volonteri” koji imaju državljanstvo Bosne i Hercegovine najkasnije do 24.07.2015.godine,

Kandidati koji budu selektovani u uži krug, bit će kontaktirani putem maila.

Motivacijsko pismo i CV posaljite na engleskom jeziku putem maila: volonteriyia@gmail.com