Javni poziv za 6 učesnika Youth Exchange Budimpešta 28.02.2023 – 08.03.2023.

Projekat “Harmony of differences” je finasiran od strane Europske komisije iz Brisela, i svi troškovi su plaćeni za učesnike.

Više o projektu:

The difference means not being the same as others, differentness. At first, people welcomed these differences with understanding and lived in peace, or they judged the beings, individuals, and societies that they characterized as different because of this feature. The basis of today's problem is the thought
of judging those who are not the same as themselves. This is the biggest obstacle to communication, innovation, development, and world peace in societies. These differences have a feature that starts at the micro level and spreads to the macro. Because discrimination is a wall that we encounter in every way and everywhere in the family, at school, at work, in public transport, in the media, and in restaurants, and it complicates the life of human beings. In addition, as long as the point of view towards differences is
not overcome, it causes many problems. Due to these problems, young people cannot communicate effectively both in the society they live in and in their communities.
As can be seen in the research, people practice various acts of prejudice, intolerance, lack of communication, and discrimination against each other. Within the scope of our project, we aim to contribute to the teaching of young people, who will be the parents, leaders, managers, and individuals of
the future, to adopt these differences, to accept naturalness, to be respectful and reconciled, and to empathize. In this way, it will contribute to increasing their competence in terms of differences and social peace.
The learning objectives of the youth exchange are:

  1. To increase the ability of young people to communicate effectively in their communities.
  2. To reduce the prejudices of young people against individuals who are different from themselves.
  3. To develop the ability of young people to adopt differences by going beyond their own thinking patterns.
  4. To increase the tolerance of young people towards people from different identities and backgrounds.

“Harmony of differences” project participant selection will be based on their interest in the topic and willingness to take active roles, particularly in dissemination. Each country team will have 2
participants with social and economic disadvantages. Each country's team should keep the gender balance.

Svi zainteresovani svoju popunjenu aplikaciju mogu poslati putem e-maila: volonteriyia@gmail.com najkasnije do 27.01.2023. godine.

Sve upite vezano za projekat slati isključivo putem navedenog e-maila.