The project aims to address issues of a democratic deficit and low levels of participation from young
citizens, particularly targeting disadvantaged groups, through creative means at the European and local
level. In WB young people on the other hand, face a lack of opportunities, most choosing to emigrate. For as long as citizens remain silent and apathetic in the face of abuse, institutions will not stand much chance to consolidate democracy. Youth can also be a driving force for change, but the educational system is weak in providing youth opportunities to think critically and analytically, as well as finding solutions to problems and learning the ways in which they can demand that the system works for them, rather than for those in power. Human rights, democracy, citizenship as the core elements of keeping Europe together are now being spoken out among citizens and politicians of different countries, not only in the EU but in the rest of Europe as well.
The project “Videmocracy” aims at raising the capacities of the consortium providing space, tools and opportunities for youth workers to explore, analyze and promote active participation and democratic citizenship for youth through interactive multimedia and creative tools. The project aims to support the professional development of youth workers and youth leaders on their critical understanding of democracy, active citizenship and European Citizenship. Following concrete objectives, to be reached throughout the overall duration of the project: 1) To increase knowledge and understanding of local democracy, and providing technical knowledge on the tools young people can use to demand more accountability and transparency at the local level. 2) To produce and disseminate a visual portfolio of issues of concern by young people, members of partners organization 3)To bring concrete examples and the connection between European Citizenship, Human Rights, Democracy and Inter-cultural Learning 4)To improve participants skills in citizenship education for young people with fewer opportunities and guide them to be agent of positive change in communities they live 5) To promote Erasmus + projects a great tool for empowerment of young citizens in EU and WB using non formal education methodology.
Participants older than 18 years old
Participants that can speak English
Participants that are motivated and will fully participate during the activity
Participants that have experience on the Project Topic (have participated in previous
Democracy topic projects, youth workers familiar with the topic)
What each National Team should prepare before the activity:
Prepare a short presentation about their Ngo
Prepare a presentation about their Country and bring traditional food for the
Intercultural Evening.
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