Erasmus + Programme,
”Digital Youthquake”, Belgrade, Serbia-3 participants
TC realization:
Training course will provide digital literacy/activism transversal (technical, practical and analytical) skills for 33 youth workers from 11 partner NGOs. Trainees will become digitally literate; master digital tools – Facebook, Twitter, Blog, Newsletter, Flipboard, Trello, Google tools; create digital media plan; learn graphic design, storytelling and tools e.g. surveys, cloud collaboration, agile project management; enhance skills for teaching the youth on digital literacy/activism; raise awareness and advocate youth activism towards stakeholders…
The TC will be implemented by different working methods and techniques of non-formal learning – hands-on workshops, discussions, practical work (social media power-ups, making a blog), watching digital media content, case studies and movie projections, group work in mixed teams, online learning, presentations, energizers.
Participants profile, participants would ideally meet the following criteria:
-To be youth worker or youth activists;
– Possess certain digital literacy knowledge (especially on digital media and online tools) or strong desire to acquire it;
– Have certain experience in the youth activism field or a strong desire to join youth activists;
– To be interested in youth policy, especially the problems of youth;
– To be creative, interested and capable to write articles and/or do photography, video clip or the
– To be motivated to combat undemocratic incidents;
– To be familiar with the current youth policy situation at local/national level, problems and needs of youth;
– To be interested to deal with issues of youth policy in partner countries and at the European level; To be willing to cooperate with their European colleagues; To be fluent in English.
+Although there is no age limit, the ideal would be that the participants are between 18 and 35 years old.
-It is necessary that the participants bring their own laptops.
Host: CDER (Serbia)
Location: Belgrade (Serbia)
Working language: English
Application form: Application-form – Copy
Projekat se odvija u sklopu programa Erasmus +. Učesnicima je plaćen smještaj, hrana i prevoz. Aplikacije na engleskom jeziku poslati na email adresu:, najkasnije do 17.08.2016. godine.