Poziv za volontere za razmjenu u Rumuniji

U sklopu razmjene koju radimo sa partnerskom organizacijom iz Rumunije, potrebno je 6 ucesnika

Vise o projektu:

A WALK IN YOUR SHOES: Change the frame to change the Game!

PLACE: Pensiunea Brandusa, Secu, Romania
DATES: 2nd – 11th of May 2017
COUNTRIES: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Spain, Macedonia, Turkey, Germany and Romania
PARTICIPANTS: 1 group leader + 5 participants per country

It took us a while to write a project we had envisioned for some time now. Why? Maybe because of the big wish to do it in a great way, to show the existing need of the world today and to be simple in our try. Living in the present of these days and months in Europe has filled our minds with all sorts of questions. What is happening? Are we slowly but surely reaching back to dark old times where fear triumphed over tolerance, where discrimination was necessary and where people were seen only through national, social, economical, racial prism? Are we slowly and voluntarily going back to the ages against which we have fought for decades? Can we have faith in troubled Europe? In the view of current European migration crisis, intolerance and racial discrimination in Europe has drastically increased. In Europe that is becoming overwhelmed with refugee crisis, in the world beaten and tired of wars, where it seems we don’t have strength to be tolerant and embracing, young people from all parts of Europe need to be reminded of a different perspective, and they will spread this perspective, that humanity in us will triumph, that by our positive input we will fight discrimination, we will fight stereotypes and we will fight violence. The struggles faced by the population of Europe now, whether we are talking about the citizens of the European states or about the population of migrants that had to flee their home in search of a place to survive, show us that we need a solution, we need one soon and we cannot have a solution by turning our backs towards other human beings. This project resonates with our most human of needs, the need for protection in the face of danger and without being united with other human beings, no matter what race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation or any other criteria that should not matter in the face of war and desolation.
This exchange aims to identify the common causes of intolerance and analyze persisting cases of non-tolerance on the basis of culture, religion, gender, sexual orientation and race against various minorities, formulate good practices in order to reduce it, as well as strategies, which could help increase tolerance towards minorities in the participating countries and beyond. We plan
to bring together 36 young people from following countries: Turkey, Macedonia, Germany, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Spain and Romania and work together with them on specially thought out activities tackling the problem of intolerance in modern world and triggering discussions about questions of religion, gender, sexual orientation and many more with one basic idea. We want
participants to analyze and understand why migrations exist and that is not a new situation we should be afraid of. It will intensify participant’s cultural awareness and make them take a more active role in society. We will learn how easily we can become better people just by giving a little bit of ourselves. We want to show these young people that they can build the society they want to live
in and not to have to live in society that is imposed on them.
We will be doing those using non formal education methods and by following a learning path through experience similar to the one refugee need to follow in search for a better life. Using this method we will tackle racism and foster participant’s empathy and understanding. We want to help young people of Europe „go out to the balcony“ and clear their heads when it comes to intolerance and discrimination, we want to practice morality and kindness while fighting stereotypes and together with them, we want to walk, shoulder to shoulder towards one goal. Our main goal in this youth exchange is raising awareness on the importance of accepting multiculturalism and diversity in changing Europe.
In this youth exchange, we will be tackling a topic that is everyone’s concern. There is no young or old person in Europe who can’t benefit of education about tolerance, about stereotypes and about embracing differences in others- especially in Europe today. We, and by we-we mean people of Europe, are going through a challenging phase of our history, where we can decide whether we want to rise above and show humanity, or we will indulge our lowest needs and act as those we are fighting against.
The participants of the youth exchange need to set a different frame of the picture, to experience change and by doing that we change the entire perspective.
By creating a diverse group we want to give participants the advantage with having a wide collection of ideas, ideals, beliefs, information, educational background, upbringing, which will represent a beautiful source of learning. Just with selection of countries that are our partners, we are connecting differently developed countries in Europe, with different potential to offer their youngsters, countries that have dealt with crisis of their own, countries that received refugees and countries that have suffered in these new changes. In these countries and these partner organizations, there are young people who are suffering from all kinds of difficulties: geographical obstacles, learning disabilities, financial disabilities, lighter handicaps, people who survived wars, people who had someone killed, people who’s countries suffered in the strike of terrorism, people who are gay and are afraid to admit it, and also, people who live in organized surroundings with no financial obstacles, but suffering from identity crisis and so on. We will insist on them bringing these young people, giving them an equal chance to a fair fight in life, to try to give them the opportunity to
discover in themselves qualities that they never believed they had or they did not value. This project is for young people that need a path, a fresh start, a helping hand towards finding themselves.
Working language of the youth exchange will be English and we will ask our partners to select participants with at least basic English skills. However, if there are participants who will be interested in taking part in this project and do not speak English, together we can work on destroying these barriers and work towards a common goal.
When it comes to participants with fewer opportunities, all our partners are working with disadvantaged groups, doesn’t matter if we speak of people who are economically challenged and can’t afford to take parts in these kinds of education, or people who have been facing discrimination based on religion or ethnicity or gender, or other forms of social discrimination, or people who
are minorities. In this project we also want to include 1 person from every group suffering from light disabilities in order to also give them opportunity to experience something new and go out from their limits, and also for other participants to see how it is to work with people with disabilities and how to accept them. We want to take all these people and give them a chance for empowerment,
give them an opportunity to see that people coming from other places are not worst than us, that different nations are not someone we should fear of, that we all have our pains and our sadness, and we all have our qualities and joys. And there is no evil in difference.

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