Predstavnici udruzenja u Španiji na projektu

  • The Project “Travelling to Nowhere” is a Training course whose activity will be held from 27th of November to 1st of December 2016th in Madrid. It will involve 15 organizations from different countries, with a total of 30 Youth Workers, 3 Trainers (professionals who work directly with youngsters, specialized in the social field), and facilitators. It is a project about INTEGRATION, SENSIBILISATION, SOCIALEXCLUSION AND HUMAN RIGHTS WITH REFUGEES AND IMMIGRANTS.


Its aim is to reduce the enormous gap between the ideal of the ‘Universal Human Rights’ and the reality, the widespread violations arising from them.

  • The universal declaration of Human Rights, Article 14, states: “Recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world”, and as Kofi Annan, Former United Nations Secretary-General, declares: “We know what the problems are, and we all know what we have promised to achieve. What is needed now is not more declarations, but action to fulfil the promises already made”.
  • The methodology will be based on social learning of social integration, and skills of personal and social autonomy, with a mixture of theoretical content and practical exercises; evaluations, group debates and discussions in plenary, video presentations about awareness and the program design. The learning will be focused on personal experience, reflection and group work. The activities consist of informative chats, debates, documentaries, personal experiences, brainstorming, videos about awareness, etc.
  • The learning structure will be based on theoretical and practical contributions according to the experimental learning with different sessions, in which will be evaluated the design and the competences acquired, together with the share of tools, and setting the bases for their importance, repercussion, and high importance on a local, regional, national, and European level.