Udruzenje uspjesno zavrsilo projekat EU komisije

Obzirom da je udruzenje bilo nosilac internacionalnog projekta, te kako bi dali mogucnost i partnerima da procitaju o aktivnostima, tekst koji slijedi je na engleskom jeziku:

Enter in Entrepreneurship- From idea to action is a project whose activities gathered 102 youth workers and had direct impact on more than 5000 youngsters in 11 European countries. Main goal was educating youngsters how to start their own business and creating mechanism to ease making start-ups.  Project goals were empowering, socializing, experience exchange, acquisition of the new skills. With that tools we wanted help decrease one of the main problems today – unemployment. Economic crisis in the last few years had bad influence on youngsters all over the Europe. Based on research made in 2014, percentage of unemployed young people was very high. In European Union unemployment rate is 23,2%, in Europe 23,8%. On the other side, to decrease this high number of unemployed people, it is necessary to offer different knowledge and empower young people to take an active role in society. That is the reason why we enabled gathering enough knowledge and self-esteem for young people through project Enter in Entrepreneurship – From idea to action. We empowered them to try themselves in entrepreneurship and star new companies. This project had two trainings, one seminar, three local meetings in each community (total 33 meetings), online support over the Facebook group and creating 11 info points in every partner organization.

First training was in Sarajevo from 1. April until 8. April.2016. This training was based on education in a field of entrepreneurship. During first two days of training we organized activities to help socializing. On the second day we presented project goals and cause and had a team building. Third day was reserved for following subjects: successful company, youngsters with disability and entrepreneurship, components of the successful company an SWOT analysis. On the fourth day participants were introduced with the role of the youth organizations and volunteers in social companies, social problems identification. For the closure they had a task to design their own social company. On the fifth day we presented start-up concept and worked on 5 steps for strategic Effectiveness Method. At the end of the day we visited local company, association from Mostar. The association has developed social business. Company CEO presented ways of functioning. During the sixth day participants were learning about the business plan, financial strategies and human resources recruiting. Also, they were informed about ERASMUS+ program. On the seventh day they were working on idea development and presenting. After that participants got Youth Pass and we were working on program evaluation. During the eight day participants left the hotel and went back to their homelands. On this training participated 11 partners from 11 European countries. Each country had three representatives; 2 trainers, 1 facilitator, 1 reporter and 1 support staff lead activity.

Second activity was held in Sarajevo, form July 8 until July the 15. 2016. This activity was training course in managerial skills for youth workers. Main cause was to improve youth workers competencies when it comes to management and leadership skills. Those skills are must have to make a start up, social business and youth business. During the first day of this training we were helping participants to get to know and socialize. After that we presented team responsible for training implementation and organization, logistic information etc. Second day we had team building activities and presenting project to the participants. Later, we were processing the theme „My local reality“. In that part participants were sharing stories related to employment market, grants and opportunities in their local communities, after that different European Union start up programs were presented. On a third day we started working on soft skills development. First skill was creativity and innovation. After that green business concept was resented and participants had a task to create green business of their own. At the end of the day participants were presenting those businesses. On the fourth day we were working on communication skills development and client communication skills. Participants were also learning about managing and marketing plan. On the fifth day we visited NGO who registered start up and finances activities thanks to this start up. Next workshop was about taxes and financial strategies, workshops about the risks and risk management. On the sixth day participants were learning about strategic effectiveness and business plan. On the last day of the training participants were learning how to design their own plans and strategies. After that they got Youthpass and we have done final evaluation of the project. On the eight day participants went home. On the second activity (second training) participated 33 participants from 11 countries, 2 trainers, 1 facilitators, 1 reporter and 1 support staff.

 Third activity was held in Duress, Albania form 10. until 17. October.2016. This activity was seminar for youth workers from 11 countries. During the first day, participants were socializing through ice breaking activities. After that the team and logistic information were presented together with important information during the stay in Duress. On the second day project and its goal, cause and expected results were presented. After, team building workshop was held. Later on, participants made national teams and worked on designing presentations of partner organizations and their activities. On the third day, participants presented their presentations from yesterday. Later on, we familiarized them with youth unemployment statistics and about the causes and circumstances. On the fourth day we visited start-up in Tirana. Participants found out more about entrepreneurship concept. On the fifth day we visited another social business in Tirana. This business is cooperating with youngsters with fewer opportunities. At the end of the day participants were informed about ERASMUS+ program and European youth strategies. On the sixth day they were working on developing their own ideas that could be base for start up. All ideas were presented.  On the seventh day the whole project was evaluated. After, all participants went home. On this training participated 22 youth workers; 2 facilitators, 1 reporter and 1 support staff lead activity.

 All the activities were international and enabled connecting participants from 11 countries in one place.  This project also provided activities on local level in every participant’s country. Those activities were:

  • At least one meeting in every partner organization with minimum 15 young people, after each international activity;
  • Three Face-book groups created with all the participants that provide further education and skills improvement;
  • Info points created in every partner organization.

More than 5000 young people got familiar with project during project implementation, exchanged experiences, learn basic knowledge about entrepreneurship. Participants with this knowledge can think about starting their own business.

Resault of project:

Module 1

Module 2

Disemination 1 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTIs9IYX6z8&t=32s

Disemination 2 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uw3HCxHkmYg&t=20s

Presentation of project on national TV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKzIKqAxz_g










